Alice du fromage

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Billets qui ont 'Dublin' comme ville.

dimanche 29 janvier 2023


deux boîtes de Vache qui Rit intitulées

Je vous mets une photo de Vache qui Rit pour ne pas mettre une photo de Guinness. Profitant que j'étais seule, j'en ai pris deux à l'aéroport: une pinte et demie. Quand je suis avec H., je ne peux pas faire ce genre de choses, il a trop peur que nous soyons en retard pour l'embarquement.
Je me suis dit que l'avion ne partirait pas sans moi puisque ma valise était dans la soute (ou qu'ils seraient obligés d'aller la chercher si je n'étais pas là, ce qui me donnerait le temps d'arriver).
Bon, j'exagère, je n'étais pas bien loin et surveillais les panneaux du coin de l'œil. Je n'ai fait attendre personne.

Acte manqué : en arrivant à Moret, je me suis rendue compte que j'avais oublié de leur rendre la clé de la maison. J'en suis quitte pour la leur poster demain.

lundi 23 janvier 2023

Jour 1

An "agony aunt" is someone in a newspaper who answers the personal questions of the readers.
Never heard this expression, and what an expression !

Long walk along the sea, on the Sandycove beach — not far from the Joyce museum (closed on Monday…). We had the project to go there, but we had not the time before going to take her daughter after school.
Some people are swimming each day of the year (with just a swimming trunk, not a combinaison!)
The starlings are as familiar as pigeons. Since the lock-down the seagulls (which were alone in town during several weeks) are very bold. One stole a McDo from a man's mouth.

The daughter (13 years old) is invisible. She doesn't eat with us. She's always snappy.
At 13, is the fact there are strangers from all over the world (a Japanese woman will come next month) in your kitchen annoying or interesting? Always the same discussions (because Julia's job is to provoke discussions) or always something new?

I found a text from Kapuscinsky in a small anthology about mothers. He was seven years old in 1939 and describes exactly the same scenes in Poland than in France during the Exode. But one year before. The French peope were not careful enough.
Kapuscinski said there were only dead horses along the roads (because the men were quickly buried), as it was a war between horses.
Kip's family has a house in Caux near Pézenas. They found papers from world war I, accountability diary and maps. Kip is looking for an institution to give all these papers.

Your Honor episod 2. Julia and Kip had an argument before dinner (I was not here, I don't know what it was about) and the evening was tense. The young and big boxer slept on my knees while we were watching TV.
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